I wrote a thank you note to my grandma at work this morning. As a graduation present, she paid for my plane ticket out to San Fransisco for spring break. And because I'm trying to save money for after I graduate, I might not have been able to go on a trip if she had not given me such a nice gift. So I wrote her a thank you note and sealed it in an envelope because my grandmother does not own or known how to operate a computer, so I couldn't write her a "thank you email." Plus everyone likes getting letters, older people especially.
So when I got a break off work I went to the post office. At the service desk I asked for one stamp, paid for it, and peeled it off the backing. I was just about to stick the stamp on the envelope (like you do) when I suddenly realized what was on it:

This caused me to hesitate.
'Well, it is just a stamp,' I said to myself. 'It doesn't matter what's on it. Grandma probably won't even notice.'
'Are you fucking kidding me?!' I replied to myself. 'It's a picture of a sad old lady who can't remember who her friends and family are. DO NOT put that on a thank you note to your grandmother.
'Also, the implication that your grandmother would be too confused to notice the square inch color picture on an otherwise completely white envelope is a little insensitive considering you're fully prepared to send her a reminder of her own impending senility.'
"Excuse me," I said out loud. "This may seem a little strange, but may I have a different stamp?"
Alas they wouldn't let me exchange it because I'd already peeled off the backing. Luckily they cost only forty-two cents and I'm not from 1914, so that doesn't strike me as a lot of money.
Now I know that this was an unfortunate coincidence, but does it not seem a little shortsighted on the part of the post office to mass-produce a stamp that just says "Alzheimer's" on it, accompanied by one of the sadder pictures I've ever seen. Not even "Support Alzheimer's Research." Or maybe that's a little long. At least it could say "Alzheimer's SUX!" or "Remembering RULES!" Anything would be better really.
I'm sure that whoever designs stamps sees every one as a little opportunity (or maybe he is fully aware that no one is paying attention) but WAY more old people use the mail than young people. I don't think that they need their stamps to be a harrowing reminder of the realities of growing older. And on a somewhat related note, what's with those clouds and tiny sun? Does she have Alzheimer's on Venus?
The folder's getting a little crowded, but I'll think I'll file this in my brain under 'W.T.F.'
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